Biography: Renzhi Xiao is a Ph.D. student majoring in computer system architecture in Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST) advised by Prof. Dan Feng and Yuchong Hu. He has been a member of the China Computer Federation (CCF) since 2024. Formerly served as the monitor of PH.D. Class, Wuhan Optoelectronics National Laboratory, and a propagandist at CCF Huazhong University of Science and Technology.
Research Interests
     In-Memory Key-Value Store (IMKV)
   Non-Volatile Memory (NVM) or Persistent Memory (PM)
  PM-based Data Structures(Simulation or DCPMM)
  Learned Index using artificial intelligence
  Disaggregated Memory KV store based on RDMA or CXL

  • Our paper "ROPHI" was accepted by IEEE ICCD'2024. Congratulations!

  • Our paper "AsymCDC" was accepted by Euro-PAR'2024. Congratulations to Lin Wang!

  • Our paper "SmartHT" was accepted by IEEE ICCD'2023. Congratulations!


[ICCD] Renzhi Xiao, Dan Feng, Yuchong Hu, Hong Jiang, Lin Wang, Yucheng Zhang, Lanlan Cui, Guanglei Xu, Fang Wang, " Read-Optimized Persistent Hash Index for Query Acceleration through Fingerprint Filtering and Lock-Free Prefetching", Proceeding of the 42nd IEEE International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD), 2024 (EI, CCF B) [paper]

[Euro-PAR] Lin Wang, Yuchong Hu, Yuxue Liu, Renzhi Xiao, Dan Feng," Asymmetric Coded Distributed Computation for Resilient Prediction Serving Systems",Proceeding of the 30th International European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing (Euro-PAR), 2024 (EI, CCF B) [paper]

[ICCD] Renzhi Xiao, Hong Jiang, Dan Feng, Yuchong Hu, Wei Tong, Kang Liu, Yucheng Zhang, Xueliang Wei, Zhengtao Li," Accelerating Persistent Hash Indexes via Reducing Negative Searches",Proceeding of the 41st IEEE International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD), 2023 (EI, CCF B) [paper]

[JSA] Xiaomin Zou, Fang Wang, Dan Feng, Junhao Zhu, Renzhi Xiao, Nan Su" A Write-optimal and Concurrent Persistent Dynamic Hashing with radix tree assistance", Journal of Systems Architecture, 2022, 125: 102462. (SCI, CCF B) [paper]

[TACO] Mengya Lei, Fan Li, Fang Wang, Dan Feng, Xiaomin Zou, Renzhi Xiao,"SecNVM: An Efficient and Write-Friendly Metadata Crash Consistency Scheme for Secure NVM", Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization, 2021, 19(1): 1-26. (SCI, CCF A) [paper]

[CRAD] Xueliang Wei, Mingshun Yang, Dan Feng, Jingning Liu, Bing Wu, Renzhi Xiao, Wei Tong, "Coordinated Metadata Management for Secure Persistent Memory", Journal of Computer Research and Development, 2022 (CCF A, in Chinese) [paper]

[TODAES] Lanlan Cui, Fei Wu, Xiaojian Liu, Meng Zhang, Renzhi Xiao, Changsheng Xie "Improving LDPC Decoding Performance for 3D TLC NAND Flash by LLR Optimization Scheme for Hard and Soft Decision", in ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems (TODAES), 2021, 27(1): 1-20. (SCI, CCF B) [paper]

[Access] Renzhi Xiao, Dan Feng, Yuchong Hu, Fang Wang, Xueliang Wei, Xiaomin Zou, Mengya Lei "Write-Optimized and Consistent Skiplists for Non-Volatile Memory", in IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 69850-69859, 2021, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3077898. (SCI, IF:3.367) [paper]

[JPDC] Yongxuan Zhang, Hong Jiang, Fang Wang, Yu Hua, Dan Feng, Yongli Cheng, Yuchong Hu, Renzhi Xiao "CIC-PIM: Trading spare computing power for memory space in graph processing", Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 2021, 147(1): 152-165. (SCI,CCF B) [paper]

[CRAD] Renzhi Xiao, Dan Feng, Yuchong Hu, Xiaoyi Zhang, Liangfeng Cheng, "A Survey of Data Consistency Research for Non-Volatile Memory", Journal of Computer Research and Development, 2020, 57(1): 85-101. (CCF A, in Chinese) [paper]

[ISPA] Liangfeng Cheng, Yuchong Hu, Wei Wei, Renzhi Xiao, "Enhanced Self-Coding for Available Memcached", ISPA/IUCC/BDCloud/SocialCom/SustainCom 2018: 700-707. (EI, CCF C) [paper]


[ICPP] Renzhi Xiao, Dan Feng, Yuchong Hu, "A Log-Free and Consistent Chained Hashing for Non-volatile Memory", in ICPP, 2021 (CCF B, EI) [paper] [poster]

11/2023 "Accelerating Persistent Hash Indexes via Reducing Negative Searches", presentation in the 43rd International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD 2023) Washington DC, USA
08/2021 "A Log-Free and Consistent Chained Hashing for Non-volatile Memory", poster presentation in the 50th International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP 2021) Virtual Event
  • Top Ten Reports of DSAL Laboratory’s 2023 Summer Annual Meeting (DSAL2023年暑期年会十佳报告), 2023

  • Guoguang Student Scholarship (国光学子奖学金), 2021

  • Excellent PhD Academic Scholarship (优秀博士学业奖学金), 2019-2020

  • ZhiXing Excellent Graduate Scholarship, 2016

  • Outstanding graduate student cadres, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018

  • Excellent graduate of Jiangxi University of Science and Technology (JXUST优秀毕业生), 2013

  • Three Good Students in Jiangxi Province (江西省三好学生), 2012

  • National Encouragement Scholarship (国家励志奖学金), 2012

  • National Scholarship (国家奖学金), 2011

  • Baosteel Outstanding Student Award (宝钢优秀学生奖), 2011

  • National Encouragement Scholarship (国家励志奖学金), 2010

Accepted as one of Artifact Evaluation Committee Member in Eurosys 2025.

Reviewer for The Journal of Supercomputing from June, 2024.

Sub-reviewer for Journal of Computer Research and Development.


Hello friend, I wish you a smooth research life!